Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good Humor Goes a Long Way

Beth and I, working diligently.
All lined up, just waiting their turn.
Grace and Seamus, our cutest assistants.

I've been getting to know some new folks since being around the Downtown Presbyterian Church, and it's been quite nice. One is a photographer named Liz, who keeps a fun photoblog. The pictures accompanying this post are by Liz; she took them as we were hanging the Contributor Show for the most recent First Saturday event.
The studio open house last night went really well. Thank you to everyone who came by! Thank you as well, to the good- humored woman who was not angry that I jumped screaming out of a dark corner at her- Tom I thought that was going to be you. Also, Jon saved my day by picking up food, making lemonade, helping set up, and generally calming my craziness. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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