Tuesday, June 21, 2011


 Recently, I've been the recipient of some pretty swell web lovin. Friend and writer, Chuck Beard, posted an entry on his sweet blog :

 "The Marriage Behind Art & Music"

It had some really encouraging words for me, and also, for my hubs who is an artist of the musical variety. I am so proud of what he does and inspired by how hard he works. He is so dedicated to music, I love it. Check out his band, Eastern Block and see what you think!

Also, I was recently quite flattered/ecstatic to be featured as "East Nasty of the Week" on my running group's website. I love the write up, which was done by Rod Jones. It included an image of a pet portrait I did of which happened to be my favorite East C.A.N. rescue dog, Shorty. It also included a wedding picture (of me as a blonde); Jon and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary this month!

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