Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tender Tennesse Christmas

After taking a bit of a blogging vacay, I'm back. And I 'm back with new gadgets: a Blackberry Curve (thanks Jon!) and a Canon 880 (thanks Mom & Dad!). Just as soon as I learn all the secrets to these tiny wonders prepare for a barrage of photos and blogs from my mobile! Maybe there will even be a video or two. It's been a busy past month, and I 'm kind of relieved that we've moved past the Christmas holiday. It's like the hump day of winter. Maybe that sounds harsh, or bah- humbug, or whatev, but it's just such an intense, pressure-filled time. If you've ever worked in retail or the service industry you know that it's the most hectic work time of year ( and the non- stop Christmas music will make you want to crush the CD player). If you do not have a huge disposable income, buying gifts for everyone you love gets overwhelming. If you have a large family, it can be difficult to meet every one's expectations. If you have Seasonal Affective Disorder, energy levels are lower than usual and it all just gets so stressful. These things can take the joy out of what should be a celebration, a celebration of the birth of Christ- hopeful, pure, full of love and grace. In light of those specific things, Jon and I decided to have a simple, quiet Christmas by ourselves. As we both have full- time "day jobs" , are a musician and I an artist, there's not much time we actually get to spend together uninterrupted. So... we took off Christmas eve and Christmas day and slipped away to a cabin on Monteagle Mountain. Jon's been sick, so we stayed inside and watched movies, ate, slept, and relaxed. It was beautiful, and so restful. We've never spent a Christmas by ourselves before, and I doubt we'll do that every year, but it sure was nice this time. Love you, miss you, let's get together in the new year, SS

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